Preventing ‘strobing’ effect from ceiling fans

A reader recently asked about ‘strobing’ effect of ceiling fan on lights.  Basically, if your lights are placed too close to your ceiling fan, you will get a ‘strobe light effect’.  Not the most pleasant effect to have IMO.  But it is easily preventable with some planning and definitely not a reason to avoid ceiling fans.

The most useful explanation I found is from the Spinifex Fans website HERE.  The website includes formulae and other examples, but I think this great pic from the website illustrates the concept really well…

If you plan to install ceiling fans, best to think about the lights/fan placement.  I have seen houses with this ‘strobe’ effect. Really irritating if you have to live with such an inconvenience…

Still love my ceiling fans btw.  They are probably used at least 30x more often than the aircon if you count by daily usage.

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