Completed pics – Study room

UPDATE: See my study desk HERE.

Hmm… I can only show 1/2 the room cos it’s currently the temporary storage for cardboard boxes that we need to return to the movers. (Oops)

The glass panel can be covered by roller blinds if guests do stay over.  Eventually we should be getting a sofa bed, study table and chair to turn the room into a study cum guest room.  Until then, it remains unfurnished.

And yep, those are part of my LEGO modular houses collection… visitors seem to find them quite fascinating. In fact most have requested to be invited over again once my LEGO collection is fully unpacked.

See more pics after the jump….

Pics credited to Atelier M+A

See other completed areas:

See the before & after pics:

10 thoughts on “Completed pics – Study room

  1. Hi, how do you plan on keeping the modulars dust proof? Im moving too. searching for ideas to display my modulars.. but dust seems to be a problem

  2. Hi, the place is called Acrylic Centre #02-99 at Bras Basah. Your Modular collection seems pretty big so not sure how much it wil cost, but they have small boxes from $20 to the mega huge ones which you will need to ask for a quote I guess. If you r going, best to measure the 3 dimensions first.

    For Ref:

    Thanks for the tip. Will check out the links.

  3. Hi, i love the little glass window you did between your study and kitchen and am thinking of doing something similar between my living and dining.

    When i asked my contractor, he said that we have to hack half the wall, i.e. from the ceiling to about 1.2m height, then they will have to install a partition from the ceiling to about 1.8m height, to create the window.

    Did you do this as well? Or was it possible for your contractor to just hack a rectangle hole from 1.2m to 1.8m height (and save the trouble of hacking so much then rebuilding the partition wall)?

    • @firesnow: What your contractor said sounds about right. Did he mention what the partition would be made of? I think a brick wall on the glass could be too heavy? Mine is different cos it’s a completely new wall (in a new place).

Your thoughts? Let me know!